A Short Discussion on “Senate Adopts Resolution Declaring ‘The Press Is Not the Enemy of the People'”

“Senate Unanimously Passes Resolution Declaring the press Is Not the Enemy of the People”

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It would be nice if Congress would take more stands like this, but I think this action is superficial and all too politically safe.

I’m getting to the point where I think the whole system has become pathological (and Democrats are equally responsible for what’s happening). And, by the “whole system,” I really mean multiple systems (political, economic, educational, social, etc.). And, electing new people isn’t going to fix it. There might be a temporary shift, but we are collapsing (along with most other societies).

We (almost all people) have been “trained” to think in linear ways, where cause and effect are simplistic and blame is easy to assign. But, living systems are complex (they don’t operate according to simplistic linear rules and processes). Thinking that blames Trump or even the Republicans for our ills is way too simplistic. The current situation has arisen and continues due to a multiplicity of interacting systems. Capitalism and the rise of neoliberalism are big contributing factors. The systemic dumbing down of children through public schooling since the mid/late 1800’s is another factor, along with the mechanistic approaches to education that have prevented the learning of flexible, creative, and critical thinking. And, we can see how the social system has been created to respond to fear and anger, while maintaining an animal realm nose-to-the-ground existence. We can go on talking about how all of these systems interact and reinforce one another, but it’s too much to cover here.

The big characteristic of complex systems is that they are self-maintaining. At this point, the cluster of interacting systems has “learned” to maintain itself in generally the way we are seeing them manifest. Let’s say we elect a great Democratic president and Congress, we may notice a shift in certain characteristics, but the underlying patterns of money, power, and control will remain, just as they have for many decades. And, then as global warming continues to increase exponentially, the population continues to grow beyond the limits of resources that can maintain the population, and people (including millions of North Americans) are driven from their homes from these previously mentioned conditions, the deeply embedded patterns of reacting with fear and aggression comes storming back into the social-political-educational-economic-etc. contexts, and we get politicians who will be even worse than the ones we have now. And then, I suspect everything starts to collapse… and this is probably within the next decade or two.

It seems to me that the only things we can do to prevent a total collapse involve:

  • not creating divisions between people, but getting everyone to begin caring for and supporting one another and working together;
  • changing the way we think by moving from the linear and simplistic cause and effect ways of thinking to complex systems thinking; and
  • not depending on politicians and governments to “solve” the problems, but working with others in the liminal spaces between institutions to explore ways of dealing with the big issues we’re facing.

Blame and Fear

I blame you.
You blame me.
They blame us.
We blame them.
Blame fans the flame
Of aggression and hatred.
Rage burning….
Churning through senseless cycles
Of twisted, knotted stomach wrenching
Heart ripping agony.

Who’s to blame?
We pin it on someone… anyone
We don’t even care anymore
We don’t even know anymore
Who’s to blame.
It matters not.
Just need someone to blame.

Blame teachers
Blame politicians
Blame Republicans
Blame Democrats
Blame ISIS
Blame the U.S.
Blame Iraq
Blame immigrants
Blame ….

Whatever the problem
Must have someone to blame
Like a child falling off a bike
Then blaming the bike.
Gotta be someone’s
Or something’s fault.
Gotta have a cause to blame.
Can’t just be mutuality.
Gotta have a bad guy.
Can’t just be a tangled web.
Can’t just be relationships gone awry.
Can’t be MY fault.
Can’t be OUR fault.
Can’t be WHITE people’s fault.

The endless recursions of blame
And hate
And fear
And blame
And hate
And fear
Run our lives
Ruin our lives
Without us even knowing
We sink deeper into the darkness.

The only way out …
Gotta stop the blame.
Gotta stop the hate.
Gotta stop fear.
Care for everyone.
Everyone who is alive
Has the same desires …
To be loved
To be safe
To feel wanted
To love
To be happy.

Something has been twisted
Completely out of kilter.
When blame, hate, fear take over….
We’ve succumbed…
The strength of humanity
Is in our power to care…
And not to succumb to
Blame, hate, fear.
We need to
Feel our shared humanity.
See our shared humanity.
Taste our shared humanity.
Smell our shared humanity.
From every pore
From every molecule
From every breath
From glimpse of life.